News Graph Reconstruction

Software / service definition

The news graph reconstruction is a service that supports users in discovering disinformation and fake news through a graph-based reconstruction of the news on specific facts/events spread on relevant data sources. Furthermore, the service enables the monitoring of the selected news over time. The service is equipped with a GUI that allow users to search by keyword or by topic and compare the evolution in multiple sources, in order to identify data sources that disseminate information that is not coherent and consistent with the general news trends.

Usage in COVID19

The service supports in monitoring the evolution over the time of news related to a selected fact/event (i.e. a news about fake remedies or consequences of the coronavirus).


News graph reconstruction is available as REST service.

Furthermore, ENG could provide an online web application to access the service through credentials.



Security and access protocols

Access through credentials

GDPR compliance

No personal information are stored nor analysed.

The goal of the platform is oriented to the analysis of news contents, thus incidental collection of personal or sensitive information must be attributed to contents present inside the news.

Support point of contact

Ernesto La Mattina –

Valentina Mazzonello –

Previous application scenario

Discovery of disinformation in online news


Free until end of pandemic as per WHO declaration


ENG Service
