Spain: Legal Assistance

The Governing Board of the Malaga Bar Association (Malaga, Andalusia) has agreed to create a special round of free legal assistance on matters related to the crisis caused by the coronavirus. This initiative is aimed at people who benefit from Free Justice, non-governmental non-governmental organizations for profit (NGOs) and small and medium-sized companies that prove insufficient resources and have their registered office in the scope of the College, since the Administration does not cover this service - the Malaga Bar Association will encourage institutions to participate in this project. Thus, the collegial corporation will provide legal assistance on matters most affected by the current situation, which are:

  • Criminal,
  • Family,
  • Civil,
  • Gender Violence,
  • Contentious-Administrative,
  • Labour,
  • Immigration,
  • Penitentiary and
  • Commercial.

Citizens, NGOs or SMEs can request advice by sending an email to, where they must provide the following information: name and surname, DNI / NIE / Passport, full address, telephone, email, subject and a brief description of the query.

RUGE and UGT have started up a telephone to solve labour doubts by COVID: 669 763 172

CSIF has compiled a series of frequent job questions and answers that workers ask themselves through COVID



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